Saturday, August 7, 2010

Hello Weekend

So what are you up to this weekend? Mine started yesterday. I was supposed to visit my sweet grandma in the hospital (3 hrs away), but she needed some rest after the many visitors earlier this week, so I stayed in town, ran errands, and played a little with friends. Today I'm thinking antique/resale shopping? We'll see!

Enjoy this funny cartoon from Ben Heine and have a WONDERFUL weekend!!


  1. Funny cartoon pic and i hope your grandma feels better soon, Hugs coming your way:-).

  2. Sorry you didn't get to see your grandma, and I hope she feels better soon! I'm cracking up at the cartoon!

  3. I am so sorry to hear about your grandma..I hope she is feeling better by now:)

    That is such a cool image...hahah:)


  4. Thanks for all the sweet comments on my gma! She's doing better. Still praying for full recovery!
