Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Trim That Tree!

How many of you have your tree up and decorated?  I must say, for those that do, I am jealous!  Since I live in an apartment and will be out of town for a good chunk of the holiday, my sister and I only have up our small table top tree with minimal ornaments... but I will say, it's cute!

No matter your tree size, it's still gotta have that Christmas style!  Check out these cute DIY ornaments.  (Click on each name for the source.)  Have any you'd like to share?
(And while you're at it, check out the super cute tree on this blog!)

And my favorite, the Diorama Holiday Ornaments


  1. The yarn & candy ornaments are so cute! We are planning to decorate our tree sometime this week:) Hugs and kisses, sweetie

  2. awe love these ideas - my Niece is ALL about penguins now - i gotta check those penguin one's out pronto!

    *kiss kiss*
    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  3. The pink ones are so pretty! But the bottom ornaments are my fav. as well, so fun! I'm gonna check them out now!
